
Hello from Joan at La Carne. I run the marketing for our two family butcheries in Abu Dhabi and Cebu, and with this email, we welcome you to a new beginning of content to celebrate a few things:

  1. Our 10th year anniversary on 29th April, 2024

  2. My book coming out in Oct 2024, called Steak Simplified

  3. A refreshed platform for sharing meat knowledge, trends, recipes and updates across our La Carne community.

What is it?

Having organically grown our brand since 2016 and written a fair number of newsletters, I wanted to have a place where all that useful information could sit and be more powerful. I also wanted to streamline the content creation so I could post in one place, at the same time serve our communities in Abu Dhabi, Cebu and beyond (when my book comes out!)

Why now?

As our family meat shop turns 10 in 2024, this seemed like the right way to connect more with our community as we grow with a continued focus on meat education. We wanted a better way to send updates, share all the good meat knowledge, at the same time begin a library of content.

What can you expect here?

  • Interesting topics on beef and lamb, trends and interviews with cool people

  • Recipes from the Steak Simplified book, including QR codes on how to make them

  • Updates on events, meat-ups, La Carne events like book signings

That’s about it! If you haven’t yet, subscribe here to know everytime there’s new content on here. And, why not share this with a friend if you like! Now let me get writing..


It all starts with the feed.